Vendor Usage License

Vendor Usage License



Generally, as the copyright owner of the work that you create, and as a creative small business, your brand is closely tied to your work product. Allowing others to use your work in any way, or without guidance, is a harmful risk to your brand. Having a clear and strong license prevents claims for your implied consent to use, and it gives your clients the benefit of their bargain because it allows them to use their photos without the risk of copyright infringement.

This is best for: Serious professional photographers who want to protect their copyright and be clear about what “commercial use” means for other vendors or business clients. If you are tired of vendors using filters, adding watermarks, or submitting your photos for their advertisements, or you have a hard time expressing boundaries with how people use your work, let this professionally drafted license do it for you.

Note: This is not a license for personal use, i.e. a license for consumer clients who want the photos to enjoy for themselves. See the shop for Client Usage License instead.

Includes: Instructions and template for use with vendors and businesses.

TERMS OF USE: All rights held by Desiree Nguyen Orth. You can use purchased content in your own business (e.g. you can use contracts for work with your own clients). But you cannot re-create, sell, or share these products with others either for free or for profit. Doing so would violate our intellectual property in our content and we will enforce our rights to the fullest extent of the law. Basically, sharing this purchase with other businesses is prohibited, and totally uncool.

Disclaimers: Creatives' Legal Resource is for educational purposes only. While Desiree is an attorney licensed in California, nothing on this website should be construed as legal advice. Always consult an attorney licensed in your state if you need legal advice. It is best practice to have any template reviewed by an attorney in your state. If you are in California, please consider reaching out to my successor, Deanna at Decosimo Law for your reviewing needs.

All sales are final.

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